Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chapter 4 Reflection

Chapter four dealt with digital technology in the classroom. The chapter talks about useful input devices. These devices include scanners, digital cameras, graphics tablets, pens, sound, touch screens, and electronic whiteboards. The chapter also lists useful output devices. These include speakers, headphones, projectors, and scan converters. The chapter then talks about emerging technologies that can be used in the classroom. These technologies include handheld components, tablet PC, portable storage, virtual reality, voice activated devices, e-books, and wireless devices.

    E-books are a device that I have found really interesting. Instead of having all of the students buy the books, the student can download the books online and access them at any time. It is easier to access a book from a computer rather than having to lug around a large book from place to place. The other thing that I like from this chapter is the idea of virtual reality. This allows a class to take a field trip without even having to leave the school or their classroom. It eliminates huge costs that are incurred by taking a class or school field trip.


  1. I am also really into the idea of e-books... however it seems like licensing issues would prevent them from being used in high school. I do not know the exact rules but for college courses e-books specify that they are for the use of ONE user (and that one user does not have the ability to sell the book at the end of the semester which is slightly discouraging). Copy-write laws and traditional media-business-models need to be updated to fit this digital age.

  2. I also really like the idea of e-books. I think one reason we may never really see them in college though is becasue one person would buy the download and print it out selling it to other students.

  3. I think E-Books are a good idea but only in a tight/money strapped situation. I would much rather carry around an actual book that I really can access at any time than rely on the virtual world for access to my book. Plus personally I just like being comfortable reading, I wouldn't want to have to sit at a computer or laptop and read all the time, it would take the enjoyment out of it.
