Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chapter 8 Reflection

Using the Web for teaching and learning is the focus of chapter 8. The chapter starts out by listing the resources on the Web. These resources include online publications, blogs, professional organizations, government sites, portals, links, class management tools, and academic tools. The chapter also goes into discussing web-enhanced instruction including tools for communication, key pals, and parent links. The final topic the chapter talks about is class web sites. It talks about authoring tools, web hosting, and issues.

    I learned the most from the web-enhanced instruction portion of this chapter. Parent links are a great way to get the parents involved in their kids learning and school work. A parent helping their kids with their school work is beneficial not only to the students but also in helping the parents realize if their child is struggling with the material. Some students do not tell their parents of their struggles and then it becomes a huge surprise when the parents see their grades. It also helps increase the communications between teachers and parents.


  1. This is so true! I know from experience that if I had a great I was not very proud of, it was not the first thing I told my parents. I only wanted to tell them the good things that happened at school. Having a way for the parents to be involved would also help the students in the long run.

  2. You make a great point about parent links. I do think these are a good way to get parents involved in their child's learning.
